Treatments at Radiant Moon Medicine are designed uniquely for each individual. We believe that drawing upon an integrative medicine approach is essential for getting to the root cause of imbalances.
A several thousand years old healing system rooted in the Taoist Philosophy. Fine, sterile needles are inserted into specific points on the meridians (energy channels) to improve the flow of Qi and restore balance. Acupuncture helps the body maintain homeostasis and equilibrium and is very effective for women’s health issues.
Fire Cupping
Glass cups with a warm fire suction are placed over the acupuncture points or areas where there is pain, tension and swelling. It releases spasm and removes toxins from the area.
The ultimate womb warmer. Moxa is the application of heat to a specific area of the body for the purpose of treating imbalance and disharmony. It enhances the acupuncture treatment by increasing the Qi in the area. This is done by burning an aromatic herb of mugwort over the acupuncture points.
TCM Herbal Prescription
Specific Chinese herbal formulations are used to energetically harmonize a person’s constitution. These formulas are custom blended as a tea, capsule or tincture for an individual. Yin/Yang and the 5 element theory are used to evaluate and determine the proper the formula.
Ancestral + Whole Food Nutrition
Hormonal wellness, Adrenal function, healthy digestion, realized through nutrient dense foods. Specialized meal plans to balance blood sugar + metabolic health are top priority. Focus is placed on adapting a healthy relationship to food and eating. Food as medicine.
Lab Testing + HTMA Mineral Balance
To further investigate symptoms & get to the root cause imbalances, testing may be recommended. We use state of the art Lab Testing to check for Mineral Imbalances, Hormonal Imbalances, Thyroid Function, GI Issues, Chronic Infection etc. Some Lab Companies include: HTMA, DUTCH TEST, GI MAP.
Herbal Medicine
Education on herbal remedies to restore the body’s self-healing mechanism and vital force. They may be used in capsules, teas, tinctures, baths, steams, or topically. The effectiveness of herbal remedies is often traced to their high concentrations of vitamins, minerals and other chemical constituents. Herbs help heal the reproductive organs and balance hormonal levels.
A nutritional and supplemental program designed to restore proper detoxification and elimination of waste as well as improving absorption of nutrients. The treatment focuses on the proper functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal system as well as elimination of lifestyle factors and foods, which promote disease and toxicity.
Mind, Body & Spirit
An exploration of the interaction between emotional, spiritual and physical factors in the balance of ones health.